SQA Economics Tuition Classes
National 5
Nat 5 Economics covers the following topics:
ECONOMIES OF THE MARKET - Personal economics, basic economic problem, theory and determinants of demand and supply, costs/revenue/profit, and markets
UK ECONOMIC ACTIVITY - Government finance, government aims, and Scotland's place in the economy
GLOBAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY - Understanding global trade, multinationals, exchange rates, and understanding the impact of the global economy
Higher Economics covers the following topics:
ECONOMIES OF THE MARKET - The economic problem, PPDs, PED, markets, production, costs, market structures, and market intervention
UK ECONOMIC ACTIVITY - Government finance, government aims, government policies, national income, and place of Scotland in the UK economy
GLOBAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY - Understanding global trade, multinationals, exchange rates, Balance of Payments, and understanding the impacts of the global economy
Advanced Higher
Adv. Higher Economics covers the following topics:
ECONOMIC MARKETS - Perfect competition, monopolies, monopolistic competition, oligopolies, regulators, MPC, MPB, MSC, and MSB
NATIONAL & GLOBAL ECONOMIC ISSUES - Economic indicators, economic government policies, developed/developing/emerging economies, globalisation, and IMF/WTO
PROJECT - Current economic issues
Hamera, Economics Student